Julia Dietz

Staff Attorney

Julia joined Jubilee in September 2021. Prior to joining Jubilee, Julia practiced removal defense as an immigration attorney with Dolores Street Community Services, primarily representing families who recently arrived in the United States in their asylum cases. Julia attended New York University School of Law, where she was a student advocate with the NYU Immigrant Rights Clinic for two years.

Julia joined Jubilee in September 2021. Prior to joining Jubilee, Julia practiced removal defense as an immigration attorney with Dolores Street Community Services, primarily representing families who recently arrived in the United States in their asylum cases. 

Julia attended New York University School of Law, where she was a student advocate with the NYU Immigrant Rights Clinic for two years. Following law school, Julia initially focused on workplace rights as an attorney with Make the Road New York, where she collaborated with workers’ committees focused on combating wage theft and building power within the immigrant community. Julia is licensed to practice law in California and New York. 

Julia speaks English and Spanish.


Luis Calixto


Catherine Lee