Our Mission

Jubilee’s mission is to stand in solidarity with immigrants and their families by providing affordable, quality immigration legal services and advocating for just immigration policies. We envision and strive for a reconciled and restored community, one we believe to be God's intent for all of humanity.

Why “Jubilee”

Jubilee is justice for all. Jubilee is the Hebrew word for ram’s horn, the instrument to signal the beginning of a new year.

In the Bible, God told His people to practice “jubilee” every fiftieth year, which meant releasing slaves from bondage, canceling debts, and restoring everyone to their families and their land. The intent of jubilee was to invite God’s people to live in good relationship with Him, the land and each other. Jubilee, therefore, was a concrete reminder that all things belong to God, He protects the weak and vulnerable, and He provides for all that they need.

We believe God created a world of abundance where there is enough for everyone and we can freely share what we have. Our advocacy for immigrants is a key element of working toward this vision, and we’ve dedicated our life’s work to it.